Through tours, the museum staff maximizes the educational potential of the Harbor Defense Museum and the 175 year old historic landmark fortress. Quality school tours, flexibly developed, and including hands on activities and demonstrations make any class trip to the museum memorable. See a musket demonstrated and load a 19th century cannon or open the 175 year old 8" thick fortress doors with your own hands.
Visitors can inspect the fort's landside defenses alone or as part of a guided tour. Students of IS 102 are walking along the old covered-way just behind the fort's outer ramparts. It was called a covered-way because defending troops were hidden from enemy view while on it and could move around concealed from observation and hostile fire. |
The museum director, Frank Jardim, explains to children the fort defenses before marching them on a mock attack of the ramparts. |
School children examine the massive Rodman coast defense cannon that was among the Fort's late 19th century armament. From this bluff just outside the ramparts, visitors can see the Narrows and better appreciate the defensive power of the forts that defended it.
Kids love cannons! This genuine model 1844 gun tube is mounted on a reproduction fortress carriage
where it originally stood in the caponier. Visitors can participate in the service of the piece under the
guidance of the museum staff.
Kids love cannons! This genuine model 1844 gun tube is mounted on a reproduction fortress
carriage where it originally stood in the caponier. Visitors can participate in the service of the piece
under the guidance of the museum staff.
Museum tour guide Otto Johnson demonstrates the method of returning the fired and recoiled
flank howitzer back to battery for the next shot to an audience of 8th Medical Brigade soldiers.
Gravity and ingenious cams make it a simple task to move the huge cannon.