New doors on the museum... new OLD doors that is. The Olek Lejbzon Company fabricated precise reproductions of the original 4" thick iron studded oak caponier doors. Even the massive hinges were made from scratch. The doors are center hung on a post cut from a tree trunk and despite their imposing size open easily. This successful project is part of an ongoing effort to restore the 19th century character to portions of the old fort structure.
Lejbzon also repaired the damaged lower portion of the rear sallyport doors of the main fortress across from the caponier. This challenging task required the partial disassembly of the doors to solidly anchor the new replacement parts. The original exterior material was salvaged and reattached and all new material was aged to give the door a uniform antique appearance.
Growing Korean War Exhibit
In this commemorative period the HDM is trying to gather donations relating to the war to expand the exhibit. Unconditional gifts are preferred to loans with material from Army veterans from New York being ideal. We are especially in need of the clothing and field equipment of the combat soldier (American and Korea/Chinese). All material accepted by the museum is assured a permanent and secure home as part of the U.S. Army Historical Collection and becomes the collective property of the people of the United States in whose interest it will be held for perpetuity. Donations are tax deductible. Please contact the director, Frank Jardim, at 718-630-4349 if you have artifacts that you think may be of interest to the museum.
13" Civil War Siege Mortar Returning to Fort Hamilton

A century ago the the fort was stripped of her old muzzel loading artillery. This summer, one powerful weapon is coming back! The Pattern 1861 Seacoast Mortar has a massively thick tube weighing over 8 tons. It fired a 204 pound shell that could plast a crater in the earth 8" across and 4" deep. The iron carraige is long since lost to history but bids are being collected for the construction of an reproduction so the piece can be mounted as it was originally in defense of the Narrows. Despite it's massive proportions, it took a mere 1-1/4 pounds of black powder to launch it's explosive shell one mile and recoil forced the piece back only 4" on its wooden platform.
This is the first piece of coastal defense artillery to be brought to the museum is twenty years and will be the beginning of a new outdoor "Fort Hamilton Coast Artillery Walk" which will feature the weapons used by the fort to defended the New York City.